Vocational and Professional Orientation
For adolescents and adults, through Personal Interviews, Tests, Talks and Group Workshops.
- Process of Vocational and Professional Orientation through a set of Tests of Personality, Skills and Interests. Individual and Group Techniques and Talks.
- Workshops for parents to facilitate the accompaniment of Vocational Orientation of their children.
The career, profession or trade that we follow is a very important field of experience in our lives. Identifying and better knowing our skills, abilities and motivations as well as talents and interests, will greatly facilitate us to develop them and will also activate our vocation, confidence and ability to work. In this way everyone will be more prepared to detect and take advantage of their own opportunities and adapt successfully to the current changes and needs.

Be prepared to make decisions about your working life with knowledge.
Our programs will help you to choose the right career.
We have the Elements to help you to succeed in your future.