Problems in the Couple
“I want to improve my marriage, but I am very afraid of the changes. I find it hard to change”
“I do not feel happy in my marriage, what can I do? He does not listen to me … I feel very lonely ““we no longer talk to each other”.
“I’m tired of fighting. The cries and complaints from my wife irritate me. ““I don’t feel like going back home”.
The new times have brought many advances, but also new complications. Long hours of work with changing and unstable schedules, financial problems, fatigue and demands of daily life often put challenges to married life and the family in general. These difficulties escalate when communication is absent and boredom increases.
How can we solve this? Many couples need solutions to stay together and happier. Many of them can be help with psychotherapy or counseling.
Before difficulties progress, seek help.
Problems do not become so big if effective and timely solutions are sought.
Interested in improving your relationship? Read here about our TALK THE COUPLE.